Hello everyone! I’d like to apologize to our faithful visitors for any downtime or glitches they may have experienced while visiting the site. Our web host had some issues which resulted in our site going offline for a bit and then being all out of whack when it came back online. Let’s hope this does not happen again. I feel horrible knowing that our faithful visitors were not able to access information they may have needed from the site.
We would like to welcome everyone back to the site by having 2 prizes for June’s Giveaway! Once again, my good friend Christine from Headbands Etc. will be donating the lovely Domestic Violence Awareness bracelets. Please make sure to check out her Facebook page, as she makes some beautiful custom-made jewelry. I would like to also mention that all proceeds from her Awareness line of jewelry go to its respective cause.
How to enter this giveaway:
- Visit and “Like” our Domestic Violence Statistics Facebook (if you haven’t already done so).
- “Like” every status update I make, from now until the end of the contest, on our Facebook page. Each “Like” is an additional entry.
- Winner will be picked at the end of the month and notified via a status update, so please remember to check our wall, July 1st.
That’s all! Good luck everyone! 🙂
Oh yeah, here’s the prize…