Hello everyone! I’d like to apologize to our faithful visitors for any downtime or glitches they may have experienced while visiting the site. Our web host had some issues which resulted in our site going offline for a bit and then being all out of whack when it came back online. Let’s hope this does not happen again. I feel horrible knowing that our faithful visitors were not able to access information they may have needed from the site.
We would like to welcome everyone back to the site by having 2 prizes for June’s Giveaway! Once again, my good friend Christine from Headbands Etc. will be donating the lovely Domestic Violence Awareness bracelets. Please make sure to check out her Facebook page, as she makes some beautiful custom-made jewelry. I would like to also mention that all proceeds from her Awareness line of jewelry go to its respective cause.
How to enter this giveaway:
- Visit and “Like” our Domestic Violence Statistics Facebook (if you haven’t already done so).
- “Like” every status update I make, from now until the end of the contest, on our Facebook page. Each “Like” is an additional entry.
- Winner will be picked at the end of the month and notified via a status update, so please remember to check our wall, July 1st.
That’s all! Good luck everyone! 🙂
Oh yeah, here’s the prize…
Domestic Violence is one of the worst forms of women’s life. How can it be possible to face such condition in our daily life? So I aware to every women, Let’s have a women’s unity from every corner of the world.
1. forgive me for censoring my comment, but I would like to voice my opinion without also having to give up my contact information. Hooray for America!
2. Like other men, i am concerned about the gender bias in the citation of Domestic Violence statistics. I am of the opinion that all human beings have a propensity for violence, it’s simply a matter of situation and circumstance. What may be worth looking into, is the statistics kept – if any – about the gender of those who commit child endangerment/willful cruelty to a child. I believe – and this is merely conjecture – that such crimes are perpetrated by both genders in rather equal measure. What we might conclude from this, if it were in fact true, is that women are just as likely to tend toward violence as men, but the expression of such violence occurs through different channels. This, combined with the high likelihood that DV is under-reported by men (and I count myself as one who was physically abused by a partner but did not call the police) would probably even out the misperception that females are less violent than men.
3. Homo Sapien Sapien’s are the most violent species in our genus. So violent, in fact, that paleontologists are quite certain that we wiped out all other competing hominids in this genus. Thankfully so. It is this expression of violence of our pre-historic ancestors which has guaranteed our survival on Earth, and is one of the few reasons that I exist to write about this today. Essentially, this is a part of our humanity, and without outside environmental pressures, or genetic selection, it is likely to remain.
4. While I agree that all DV are forms of assault, not all assaults are forms of DV. A power dynamic is what separates a form of assault – which may be borne out of frustration, reaction, anger, and simply “loosing it” for whatever the reason – from DV, which is arguably a means by which to keep, maintain, and project power.
5. I assaulted my wife. I was convicted under California DV laws. I have accepted the consequences, But I am having a difficult time taking on the label of “abuser.” It’s difficult to swallow. I never stalked my ex, told her where to go, who to see, what to do, when to call. All of our assets where in her name, including both cars, credit, bank accounts, and the business. Occasionally, I received an allowance. I worked for the majority of our marriage until I went to school. She earned the lion’s share of the income. Essentially, if I am an “abuser” who was focused on domination and control, I am having a tough time understanding how I could control myself out of all of our belongings. She was also violent on occasion, though admittedly, it was extremely rare. Though one incident in particular was extremely terrifying. I am not attempting to project myself in the best possible light. I am neither a villain, nor a total saint. Neither is she.
6. We have a child. Because of this conviction, I have lost custody of him. I never assaulted my child, and my child was not at home at the time of the incident. However, because I am an “abuser” and now shoulder the attending assumptions upon which such labels are based, I have missed a large part of his young child hood. He is a year and eight months.
7. Alcohol or drugs did not play a role in the incident. However, I think it’s a bit…unrealistic…to simply ignore the use of drugs or alcohol as a factor in DV incidents primarily because drugs/alcohol are involved in a high percentage of incidents. It won’t due to cherry-pick statistics to fit one’s philosophical model. To do otherwise is a logical fallacy.
8. DV laws being what they are in California in regards to custody and divorce this is what happens: if i admit to the incident, I’m an absuer and I lose my child. If I deny the abuse, well, that’s what everyone expects and abuser to say. Therefore, I lose my child. I i raise the issue of her assaults or abusive patterns, that too is what abusers do. Therefor I lose my child. In essence, the whole of modern DV philosophy is based on Post Hoc fallacies rooted in A-priori assumptions. This can make for some extremely unjust outcomes.
9. I am a feminist. Sadly, feminism betrayed us. If you go back to the initial purpose of feminist ideology, you will note that feminism was supposed to eventually release both genders from their roles.
10. Thank you for your time.
The problem with D/V (and S/A) in domestic situations can be squarely laid on law enforcement and the prejudices of our so called “domestic violence victims advocates”.
Beatings are crimes. Rape is a felony. Anyone can report it, victim or not. And some are required by law to report it. When the police (and I do mean law enforcement, not just some advocates) do not then respond as if a crime has happened, to be investigated, that is corruption. Each and every time.
The real crime of what happened when OJ got away with killing his wife was that the police never did respond to a “crime” which is exactly what she reported, several times.
We blame the victim EVERY time we expect her (or him) to flee. We are blaming the victim EVERY TIME some crisis line call reciever sits on their backsides and does not turn over what appears to be a report of rape or D/V.
Every time Planned parenthood does NOT turn in to the police that a rape is known to have happened, it is a crime against the victim, not just what the abusers and rapists (married to the victim or not) are doing but all the abusers enablers which are more often than not, advocates who somehow expect the victim to be re-educated out of her (unsaid) stupidity.
Do you think we victims don’t know you believer “if only we were enlightened” by you “oh so much more intelligent” people than us.
Every time you ignore our religions and DO NOT come, you betray us!
Every time.
We have both the right to our beliefs and to be rescued.
And we KNOW that.
You do not have any right to obligate us to go get educated and do it all ourselves before you will help.
It is YOUR faith that says we are lving in “learned helplessness.”
But it is our tax dollars the same as yours which are paying for law enforcement to go help every other kind of vicitm of CRIMES but the ones committed in D/V and S/A against us whose abusers live WITH us.
The ignorance and prejudice is not ours.
Those who cover for rapists and abusers are as culpable as they.
It’s just not customary in the USA or UK.
But, it is and has always been illegal to force/coerce/extort a wife to testify against her own husband.
EVIDENCE testifies. Bruises testify. HIPPA allows government to seek and obtain evidence we provide every time we go show a doctor.
It is NOT us who are not doing our jobs to stop abuse.
It is YOU.
Actually, this is quite an ignorant statement. Many states do not have mandated reporting for dometic violence and sexual assault. In fact, it is illegal to report such crimes to law enforcement unless the victim wants a report taken. And even if some bistander makes a report, if the victim doesn’t cooperate, eg. tell the officer what happened, there is nothing that they can do about it. So before you go blaming everyone in the judicial system, you might want to check your facts. Furthermore, even if the abuser is caught, he/she is not going to go to jail forever. The victim is still going to have to take it upon themselves to take advantage of the help that’s there (shelters, education, job training, etc.) and get out.
Though it may not be in the news everyday, the sad truth is that domestic violence is very real and threatens the lives of countless victims everyday. Often the abuse starts small, with perhaps one altercation, but without consequence it can become a routine occurrence. I find the issues surrounding domestic violence to be particularly important because of the extreme detriment it can inflict on the lives of innocent people. If education and support could be made available worldwide, it would revolutionize how domestic abuse is seen. It is in this potential for change that makes the issue so IMPORTANT. Unfortunately, the ability to calculate exactly how many cases of domestic abuse occur each year is limited, as it is a chronically underreported crime and victims often forgive, or temporarily reconcile, with their attacker. I would like to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, to give a voice to the thousands suffering in silence. Global education can provide people with the skills to leave a dangerous environment, as well as how to recognize warning signs, and stop cycles of abuse.
Over a yr ago my husbend of 17yrs punched me repeatedly 10times in my face n arm. He was drunk. The only time he ever hit me. Courts made him take classes, and me as well. We just started talking again. I’m trying 2 decide if he has changed or helped himself enough, to hav changed. He regrets his actions {as to be expected} but I don’t know if its a safe idea 4 me to giv him a second chance. He was under a lot of stress from my 17yr old accusing him of beating her cuz she wasn’t allowed 2 date. She confessed it was a lie… but the stress it caused him after he raised her, her entire life, turned him 2 DV incident. I don’t want 2 be one of those women who return, and later end up dead.