Domestic violence is considered one of the most pressing issues in American society. Everyone quotes the statistics given by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives, 1.3 million women are assaulted by their partner every year, 85% of domestic violence […]
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Featured Articles

Domestic Violence and Crystal Meth Users
Domestic violence and substance abuse reached new depths with the availability of crystal methamphetamine as the new leisure drug of the masses. Going by various street names such as speed, crank, glass, and ice, this demon drug knows no race, creed, or status and is all pervasive in its abuse. Unlike marijuana or cocaine that […]

Domestic Violence and Depression
More and more people are reporting incidents of domestic violence to the police. If you are a victim of domestic violence you will be aware of just how frightening it can be. The question that many people ask is what are the causes of this violence, is the person just a lunatic or are there […]

Domestic Violence Shelters
By Judith 6 Comments
Shelters are run, funded, and managed either by governments or by volunteer non-government organizations. According to a 1999 report published by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, there are well over 2000 groups involved in sheltering abused women and their off-spring. Before you opt for moving with your children into a sheltered home or apartment, […]
Featured Videos
Domestic Violence
Just saw this very powerful video on YouTube. I thought I would share it with everyone.
Featured Guest Posts

Domestic Violence in the Workplace
A Domestic Violence Statistics guest post by Kristina Morris. Domestic violence involves physical and emotional abuse behaviors directed toward another party in a relationship. The primary purpose of domestic violence is to control the party the actions are directed against. No one is immune to domestic violence. It affects both women and men, gay and […]

What’s Worse: Physical Scars or Mental Scars?
A domestic violence guest post by Joseph Pittman. If you asked anyone who hasn’t experienced psychological abuse what is worse: psychological or physical abuse, you’d probably hear the latter as the answer more frequently. When we think of physical abuse, we tend to think of it as more damaging because it leaves behind obvious […]
Featured Stories
My Journey to Peace
I had just turned 18 and was in my first summer out of high school and my second semester of college. I was a criminal justice major. I had waited to be that age for such a long time and was so excited. I had been dating this guy casually for about a month and […]
Unwed Mother
For the past 11 years, I and luckily my mom and dad have helped me fight for my now 14-year old son. The father is physically, mentally, verbally and has all the symptoms of sociopathy (as does his mother) and NPD. My son’s “father” has hit him, punched him, screamed at him, hit me (and […]
I met my rapist when we were kids in the local church I was raised in. He was the pastor’s son and was very kind when we were children. I moved away in high school and we ran into each other on campus five years later and over 100 miles away from our old town. […]
Stabbed & Beaten with Metal Baseball Bat
On June 05th 2006 my ex husband broke into my home & stabbed me repeatedly & beat me with a metal baseball bat. He was captured & arrested that same night & has since plead guilty on all charges & is serving a 22 years sentence on all charges. I’m sharing my story in hope […]